
How to Buy Good Honey – Things You Need to Consider!

best royal VIP honey

Most people think honey is just a sweetener but you must know it’s a natural product with many health benefits. However, the problem is when you go out to buy the best honey you will face a big challenge because many options are available and without experience you would never be able to get genuine honey.

There are many options in the market that can make it hard to choose the best honey. This is why we have crafted this guide for you. This article will tell you about what to look for when buying high quality products like the best royal VIP honey.

Exploring Different Types of Honey!

Honey may be classified into various types according to its origin and the technique involved in processing it. Here, we have detailed some of the popular kinds of honey. 

  • First on the list is raw honey. This variety is unprocessed and obtained straight from a honeycomb. This type of honey is unfiltered and unpasteurized. This means it has all-natural vitamins, enzymes, and antioxidants.
  • Pasteurized honey, the second most crucial kind of honey type, undergoes heating and treatment processes that eradicate yeast to prolong its shelf life. You must know that pasteurized honey is smoother and usually more visually appealing, but heating would destroy most of its healthy properties. 
  • Filtered honey is the third type, and it effectively eliminates all impurities such as pollen and wax. Filtered honey is clearer but would have lesser nutrient qualities.
  • Following that is mono-floral honey, which results from the nectar of a solitary flower type. Only Manuka, clover, or acacia can be the source of this specific type. Each type of honey would have a different flavor and offer different benefits.
  • Poly-floral honey, also known as wildflower honey, is situated at the base of this list. It’s derived from a variety of flower nectars. The taste of this kind of honey would be very different. 

Important Tips to Consider When Looking for the Best US Royal Honey

Here are some important things you need to consider when buying honey on a shopping spree. 

Make a Purchase from Authentic Dealers

To ensure that the honey you buy is genuine, you need to first focus on purchasing from a reliable and credible shop or honey dealer. For instance, if you are searching for the best royal vip honey or royal honey with ginseng, you have to ensure you don’t order from a low-rated shop. 

You have to consider the following things to ensure that you are buying a genuine product:

  • Always look for labels on the packing or bottle. You must pick products with labels specifying “100% pure honey” or “organic/raw honey.” Never buy honey with vague labels like “honey blend.”
  • Secondly, always look for ingredients. Pure products such as royal power honey for men would only have one ingredient: “honey” itself. If you see any added ingredients on the label, such as sugar, corn syrup, or artificial food flavors, you should avoid buying them.
  • Knowing the source of honey can help ensure its quality. Honey from reputable local beekeepers or regions known for high-quality honey is generally a good choice.

Analyze the Quality of Honey

Many characteristics would impact the quality of honey. If you are looking forward to buying high-quality honey, such as our royal honey, it is important that you check its color, consistency, and crystallization. 

Note that honey comes in different colors, from light golden to dark amber. The color of the honey differs based on its source. The color usually doesn’t impact the quality, but you must know that darker honey has a stingier flavor and high antioxidant content. 

Also, note that genuine honey will always be thick. You need to check out honey’s viscosity, especially if you are buying it in bulk. 

High-quality honey is the one that flows slowly when poured. Over time, real honey can also crystallize. This is a natural process and does not affect the honey’s quality, but know that crystallization is a sign that the honey is raw and very pure. 

Consider the Source of the Honey

When buying honey, you must check out its source as it would also impact the quality. Two major sources include local honey and certified organic honey. 

Getting honey from the local market would not only ensure freshness but would also support the local business. 

In contrast, processing of organic honey involves separate channels that eliminate all traces of pesticides and antibiotics. 

Check the Price of the Honey 

You must also consider the price of honey before you make a purchase. While price is not an indicator of quality, you should know that cheap honey is often too good to be true and would not be good quality. 

High-quality and raw honey requires more effort in harvesting, maintenance, packing, etc. The price of honey would reflect these efforts, with a higher bracket indicating that it is pure and unadulterated.

Do Some Simple Tests

You can also conduct some simple tests before buying the best honey for your everyday use. These tests include water test, thumb test, and flame test. 

Place a little honey in a glass of water. The water test determines the purity of honey by observing if it settles at the bottom or dissolves and spreads. Pure honey will settle while diluted ones won’t.

You can also put a drop of honey on your thumb. Pure honey would always stick, and impure honey would spread or drop like water and other liquids.

The third test is a flame test in which you must dip the cotton wick into honey and light it up. Pure honey would burn, and impure honey would not, and this is because it would have moisture.


Royal VIP honey or royal honey with ginseng is quite expensive, and if you are making an online purchase or visiting the local market, you must ensure that you get genuine and high-quality products. In this guide, we have explained some of the different types of honey, discussed some tips to help you get the best honey, and mentioned some tests. We hope that after reading this guide, you will be able to get the right honey and enjoy both organic sweetness and health benefits. Visit for pure organic honey.

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